CEC to announce final election results today

16/10/2015 - 07:09

The Central Election Commission will conduct the final election meeting and announce the presidential election results today.


According to the latest updated data, 87.21% of voters (6 million 112 thousand 364 people) took part in the election. The number used to be 87.22%.


83.47% of people (down from 83.49%) voted for Alyaksandr Lukashenka. 4.43% (up from 4.42%) – for Tatstsyana Karatkevich (over 1500 votes have been added). Syarhei Haidukevich got 3.31% of the vote (down from 3.32%). Mikalai Ulahovich’s result has not changed – 1.67%.

385 773 people chose none of the above. The number used to be over 390 thousands. The CEC announced 48 756 ballot papers invalid.

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