BSU rector meets with discontented students

31/12/2015 - 07:04

BSU rector Syarhei Ablameika listened to one student on his visiting day. BSU students are protesting against having to pay for retaking examinations and tests.

BSU is not going to cancel the payment for retaking examination, the rector told Yauhen. However, he has promised to think about the ways of expanding students’ participation in decision-making, the young man told Euroradio.

Yauhen: “The rector, several vice-chancellors and the head of the legal service were present. They did not give any exact answers. I asked them to let students express their opinion before they make serious decisions. They promised to think about it.”

The meeting with the rector coincided with Hleb Vaikul’s trial. Hleb was fined for Br3.24 million for participation in the Students’ March.



Яўген: "Прымаў рэктар, некалькі прарэктараў і старшыня юрыдычнай службы. Ніякіх дакладных адказаў не было дадзена. Я запытаўся, каб перад важнымі рашэннямі маглі выказацца студэнты — абяцалі падумаць".

Дарэчы, сустрэча з рэктарам прайшла ў адзін дзень з судом над Глебам Вайкулем. За Марш студэнтаў яму прысудзілі штраф у 3,24 млн рублёў.


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