BPF Party demands to recognize Night Wolves as extremist organization

04/05/2016 - 08:01

BPF Party leader Alyaksei Yanukevich sent an appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office on May 3. He demanded to recognize the Russian bikers’ club Night Wolves as an extremist organization, the party press service reports.


The recent statements made by the Moscow club leader Alexander Zaldostanov were the reason for it. “Belarus is Russia,” he announced when visiting our country on April 30.


The statement is aimed at the non-recognition of the Republic of Belarus as a sovereign state and at the undermining of the state’s territorial integrity, Yanukevich thinks.

The BPF Party leader is asking the Prosecutor General to stick to the law on Extremism, ask the Supreme Court to recognize Night Wolves as an extremist organization and forbid its activities on the territory of Belarus.

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