BELTA removes Freedom Day from Yandex' most popular search topics list in 2017

12/12/2017 - 13:09
A image.

The state news agency BELTA on 12 December published a news piece having edited the original text of the most popular search phrases on Yandex in 2017.

Euroradio reported earlier today that the following events in Belarus made the Top 5 of all search topics this year:

Freedom Day in Minsk (an opposition rally)
Search and rescue operation to find a missing boy in Bielaviezskaja Forest
Slavic Bazaar in Viciebsk
Minimum living standard rise
Minsk Day celebrations

Freedom Day in Minsk was the most popular search phrase on Yandex. However. BELTA removed in its news piece the mentions of Freedom Day and and rise of the minimum living standard.

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