Belarusian authorities liquidate independent trade unions

20/07/2022 - 12:31
The Belarusian independent trade union was among the first to be liquidated by the court on July 13th / photo from social feeds

The Prosecutor General's Office of Belarus has reported on the liquidation of independent trade unions. Earlier, the prosecutor's office filed a suit with the Supreme Court, and the court made the appropriate decision.

As a result, the Free Trade Union of Belarusians, the Free Trade Union of Metalworkers, the Belarusian Independent Trade Union of Miners, Chemists, Refiners, Energy, Transport, Construction and other workers, the Belarusian Trade Union of Radioelectronics Industry Workers, as well as the Association of Trade Unions "Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions" were terminated.

The Prosecutor General's Office considered that instead of protecting workers' rights and, among other things, "preventing illegal strikes," the independent trade unions "actively participated in destructive activities, mass events that violated the public order, and distributed information products of extremist content." 

A massive attack on independent trade unions began in April. Searches were carried out at their headquarters. Some of the trade union leaders and activists ended up behind bars.


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