Belarus propagandists to change appearance at state's expense

07/06/2021 - 07:08
The protective measures to be  applied to a person will be determined by the police / Sample photo​

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has signed the law on state protection. The Parliament approved it in April. The former Law "On State Protection of Judges, Law enforcement and supervisory (monitoring) officials, employees of the State Security Service" will be supplemented. In case of their participation in "public order protection," soldiers of the Armed Forces, employees of the Presidential Security Service, the Operative Analytical Center, "other persons in connection with an encroachment on their safety" (like propagandists), and their relatives will also be subject to state protection. Persons under protection and their relatives can have their appearance changed at the state's expense. A change of job is also provided for.

What protection measures should be applied to this or that person will be determined by internal affairs officers "based on analysis of incoming threats".

The main provisions of the law will take effect one month after its official publication.

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