Belarus may get invited into EU when Ukraine joins, Orban claims

02/02/2024 - 17:27

Viktor Orban / AP / АР

It has become known why Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban does not support Ukraine's accession to the EU. He also believes that after Ukraine's accession to the European Union, Belarus can become a member of this association.  

According to Orban, "Ukraine's accession will create a new center of power in the EU, which will be dominated by the United States. There will be the Baltic states, Poland and Romania, where the Americans are now deploying most of their weapons to help Ukraine". Orban made this statement at a closed-door meeting with the country's MPs and opposition last year. The details have been published by the Hungarian investigative project Direkt36.

At that meeting, the Hungarian prime minister said that "this center of power will become even wider at the expense of Belarus." According to him, he sees "that one or two color revolutions can still happen there". Strengthening the position of the USA in Eastern Europe, according to the Hungarian Prime Minister, will hinder his plans to build relations with Russia, India and China.

At the meeting of the European Council in December 2023 during the vote on the start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU, Viktor Orban left the room. He did not support the negotiations, but did not veto the issue. As a result, the European Council decided to open negotiations with Ukraine. Meanwhile, Orban voted against the allocation of 50 billion euros in aid to Ukraine. This issue was later discussed at a special meeting.  

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