Application for Chernobyl Way to be sent to Minsk authorities on April 8

08/04/2016 - 08:20

An appeal for the traditional street action Chernobyl Way will be bent to Minsk City Executive Committee on April 8, BPF leader Alyaksei Yanukevich told BelaPAN.


The action will be held on April 26 – the 30th anniversary of the catastrophe at Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The organizers would like to gather people near the Academy of Sciences at 6 p.m. and walk along Surhanau Street towards the church near the Park of Peoples’ Friendship. A mourning meeting will be held there.

BPF Party, the Belarusian Greens, the United Civil Party and the steering committee for the creation of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party (Hramada) will sign the application.


The organizing committee gathered on April 7. It approved the action mottoes, Yanukevich said: “Chernobyl is not over”, “No to Astravets NPP” and “Chernobyl – 30 years of the Kremlin and Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s lies”.

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