Activist Andrei Stryzhak arrested, goes on hunger strike

18/04/2017 - 09:12
Photo from Andrei Stryzhak's Facebook account

A trade union activist from Homiel Andrei Stryzhak has been arrested for 10 days, reports

In order to get behind the bars, Stryzhak had to visit the court and demand his case file. While in the court building, the activist learned the ruling was in force from April 17.

On March 17, he was tried in absentia for "staging an unauthorized rally"  - that is how the court described the spontaneous rally on the door steps of Homiel's Central District Court on February 21 during the hearing of the case filed by 'social parasite' Siamionau against a tax inspection office. The case drew a lot of attention from members of the public. There was not enough space in the courtroom to accommodate all those who came to attend the hearing. 

Euroradio reported earlier that after his return to Belarus on April 15, Stryzhak himself approached the police asking when he could start serving his 10-day arrest term. But the police were unable to find the arrest warrant. 

Only on April 17 it became known that the arrest ruling was at Central Dsitrict Police Station and Stryzhak began serving his arrest. 

The activist says he wants to complete his arrest term so it does not hang like a sword of Damocles over his head. However, he treats his arrest as a violation of his rights and will appeal the ruling in international bodies. Stryzhak has gone on a hunger strike in protest.

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